Dedicating effort to both work and relationships, ensuring they are mutually fulfilling

Sobriety over Society Podcast by Stevie Barker

Episode notes

It’s crucial to recognize the importance of dedicating effort to both work and relationships, ensuring they are mutually fulfilling. This enables us to assess whether our partners or social circles positively contribute to our lives and helps us evaluate how we utilize our time. Once we value our time, it becomes essential to adjust our routines to prioritize meaningful pursuits. Emphasizing the significance of investing time in activities that bring genuine happiness and long-term fulfillment is key. This process begins by asking ourselves the right questions.

-Does your partner challenge you? and do you both hold each other accountable?

-If you’re single, consider who you spend your time with. Are they positively impacting your life, or do they encourage unhealthy habits?

-Do your conversations leave you feeling happy and insp ... 

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