Let Go And Let God

by Art Suriano

This is a weekly show geared to helping those struggling with their faith. We feature different topics, from time to time guests, and Christian Contemporary Music. The program is currently aired on three radio stations and streamed all over the world. Art Suriano, the host, has dealt with many issues himself struggling with faith when he was younger and uses a lot of self-experiences and personal examples on the program. In  ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 3

  • When the Lord Intervenes

    When the Lord Intervenes

    The Lord never answers us with words when we pray, yet the things we pray for are often granted. This happens because the Lord intervenes in some way, through events he creates or actions he has others perform. Whether we are aware of it or not, the Lord has and will continue to intervene in our lives, granting us something we prayed for or, more often than not, something he wanted us to have that we were never expecting. Listen to this podcast and let Art explain how the Lord is involved in all of our lives and how he intervenes.Tune into this podcast and find out how the Lord can make so many things in life possible and how we can pray for his help and intervention.

  • Showing Compassion

    Showing Compassion

    One of the most important emotions that we, as Christians, must be willing to express, is compassion. So much of our Christian faith and beliefs are based on compassion. When Jesus walked the earth, he demonstrated compassion for all those he encountered. As Christians, we are committed to putting the needs of others before our own, and within that obligation, showing compassion is an important part. Yet, too often, we do not offer compassion when we should.Why? Tune into this podcast and let Art share with you why, even though we choose to be Christians, too often we ignore the needs of others and do not offer any compassion. Listen to this podcast and learn how to change the way we are and how easy it is to become more conscious of those around us and their needs, allowing us to live up to our Christian commitment of being compassionate.

  • Quick To Criticize

    Quick To Criticize

    We all have opinions, and that is okay. We can criticize a movie, a song, or a book, but as Christians, we should not criticize one another. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. We tend to criticize those who do not agree with us, those who do not dress the way we think they should, and those who do not act the way we think they should. However, there is no place for criticizing anyone in the life of a Christian. So, why do we do it, and what can we do about it?Tune into this podcast and let Art explain why we are often critical of one another and how, with the help of the Lord, we can learn to accept everyone for who they are because each of us is God’s people. Join this podcast to understand that with the help of the Lord, we can resist the urge to criticize and learn to look for the good in one another, no matter how different they maybe from us.

  • Season 2

  • Accepting The Challenge

    Accepting The Challenge

    When we choose to be a Christian, we must live as a Christian at all times. There are momentswhen the Christian way of life can be difficult, but when faced with those difficulties, we have toaccept the challenge and remember that being a Christian not only means we believe in God butare also committed to following His laws and commands. Tune into this podcast and let Artshare with you how we can accept the challenge and resist temptations and other obstacles weface that can make being a Christian hard. Listen to this podcast and learn how, through God’shelp, we can lead a happier life as Christians.

  • Following The Golden Rule

    Following The Golden Rule

    We should all know the Golden Rule, “Do Unto Others As You Would Have ThemDo UntoYou.”If everyone followed the Golden Rule, our world would be a much better place. Wecannot control the world, but we can control ourselves. Tune into this podcast and let Artexplain, as Christians, howwecan and should follow the Golden Rule and why that is important.Find out how the Golden Rule applies not just to Christianity but to every religion.Learn how,in many ways, the Golden Rule is the foundation of our faith and why we, as Christians, mustmake it a practice to follow.