Let Go And Let God

by Art Suriano

This is a weekly show geared to helping those struggling with their faith. We feature different topics, from time to time guests, and Christian Contemporary Music. The program is currently aired on three radio stations and streamed all over the world. Art Suriano, the host, has dealt with many issues himself struggling with faith when he was younger and uses a lot of self-experiences and personal examples on the program. In  ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • Leading By Example

    Leading By Example

    There are many things we experience we do not agree with. We face people who can be rude, greedy, uncompromising, and challenging to get along with. We can complain, but we need to concern ourselves about how we live by following the laws and commands of our God. When we do, we are “Leading by example.” Complaining about others will get us nowhere, but when we live as Christians, we should show those around us what it means to be Christian. Some may laugh at us, but many will respect us, and some will choose to follow. Tune into this podcast and let Art explain what it means to say,“Leading By Example” and why we must do it. Listen to this podcast and understand why “Leading By Example” is pleasing to the Lord and shows that we follow his way of life.

  • Accepting Others

    Accepting Others

    In today’s fast-paced world, we encounter new ideas, new fashions, new trends, and new groups of people who choose to live very differently from how we do. Change is hard to accept and also, at times, hard to understand. We also tend to fear things we do not understand, which can lead to prejudice. However, Christians must accept everyone because we are God’s people. Tune into this podcast and let Art share his views on how we can get past our fears and uneasiness of those we see as different from us. Listen to this podcast and learn how the Lord will lead us to accept everyone and why that is important.

  • Craving For Success

    Craving For Success

    It seems that many people today have a deep desire to land that powerhouse job making a huge income, or the need to buy the mega-mansion just to show off to friends or the expensive car so they can brag to everyone how well they are doing. There is never anything wrong with being successful, but when we crave it and think of nothing else other than power and wealth, we fall into the trap of “Craving for Success.” When this happens, it can cause tremendous damage to our relationships with others and, most importantly, our relationship with God. Tune into this podcast and let Art explain why when we crave success, we are giving into the emotion of greed, brought on through the temptation from the devil, and how we can avoid that from happening. Listen to this podcast and learn how, as Christians, we can be successful with the Lord’s blessing but without personal desires getting in our way.

  • Understanding Our Doubts

    Understanding Our Doubts

    Being human, it is normal for us to have doubts. We are natural skeptics, questioning everything from "Will this movie live up to the hype?" to "Will the landscaper we hired do a good job?" At times, we even doubt our own abilities. It is understandable to experience moments of doubt in our faith and in the Lord. However, it is important to realize that doubting our faith is different from doubting a movie or a landscaper, as we can eventually watch the movie or evaluate the landscaper's work. When we doubt God, it is a different matter. Tune in to this podcast and let Art share how to address our doubts and what we can do about them. Additionally, learn why we doubt and how we can strengthen our faith.

  • Faith & Trust

    Faith & Trust

    Two words that go hand in hand in the Christian world are “Faith & Trust.” We can't have true faith if we do not trust the Lord, and we cannot truly trust the Lord if we do not have faith. So, what does that mean exactly? As Christians, we have to accept and understand that in order to lead a Christian life, we have to follow the laws and commands of our God. When we do, we are demonstrating both true faith and true trust in the Lord. Tune into this podcast and let Art explain what “Faith & Trust” means and how, as Christians, we develop true faith and true trust in the Lord. Listen to this podcast and learn how easy it is to follow the way of our Lord and how, when we do, we lead a much happier life