To Kiss a Girl

Kika's Journal by Jessica Rollins

Episode notes

“What is it like to kiss a girl?” my girlfriend blurted out, it seemed her creamy eyes were glazing over the dark waves of emotions like a searchlight would for it’s answers. This was just before we began dating. For her to accept her sexuality was foreign. The question flashed across the roaring skies of our hearts, lingering between the two of us.

To many, love is religious. Love is conditional. Love has age limits. Love is the law. Love has boundaries. Love is a hobby, not a career. Love is shackled to a dream, hardly a reality. Love requires permission. If you find otherwise, then you have fit the generalized boxes.

Various times have I seen groups of people dictate what marriage is supposed to be. Articles headline that love reaches endless possibilities, yet everyday someone’s affection and passion is being swallowed. I spent th ... 

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