
14. International Safeguarding Scandals

Justice Studio Sessions by Justice Studio

Episode notes

Welcome to episode 14 of Justice Studio Sessions. In this episode we discuss three international safeguarding scandals.

In 2018 it was discovered that senior Oxfam staff had paid local young women for sex whilst working in the response to the Haiti earthquake. The Oxfam Haiti incident was not an isolated incident, however. In this episode Marianne talks about the Oxfam Scandal as well as two other scandals that shook the international aid community but took place earlier: These are the UN DynCorp Trafficking case in Bosnia in early 2000s, and the UNHCR Peacekeepers scandal in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone around the same time.

Please be advised that this episode contains distressing content.



Bolkovac, K & Lynn, C. 2011. The Whistleblower. Palgrave Macmillan: New York ... 

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sexual abusesafeguarding scandalOxfam Haitisexual exploitation and abuseSEAHsexualtraffickingbosniaUN ScandalsDynCorpPeacekeeper BabiesUN Peacekeeper abuse