It's Juxtaword

by Megan Moore & Rachel Laird

Division seems to be all around us right now. Opposing sides. Contrasting view points. However, we know through art and literature, that contrast can bring beauty and wholeness. Life's juxtapositions. Through this podcast, Rachel and Megan use their love of words and analogies to get a bird's-eye view of the masterpiece in which we all play a part. Join us for each episode as we discuss a word, what it means to us, and the p ...   ...  Read more

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • 17. Shadows

    17. Shadows

    What lessons can we learn from our shadows? There is a lot to learn about ourselves when we are willing to venture into the parts of us that we have shunned, ignored, or repressed. We talk a lot about shadow work in this episode. What it is, why you should consider doing it, and how to get started.

  • 16. Disappointment

    16. Disappointment

    How do you handle disappointment? Do you look for the silver linings? How do you feel? Disappointments are something we each experience daily and how we handle them can make a big impact on our future emotions.

  • 15. Winter

    15. Winter

    Winter gets a lot of hate, but there is so much to love if you are willing to look deeper. Do you have a hard time slowing down and resting during winter or do you welcome the change of pace? This was a really intriguing topic and brought up so many fun analogies!

  • 14. Practice

    14. Practice

    Practice makes progress. We have been discussing habits a lot lately and "practice" just fits right in there. Practicing feels more gentle than the unyielding nature of resolutions. So instead, let's make progress toward the direction we wish to take ourselves through small practices.

  • 13. Traditions

    13. Traditions

    It's that time of year! No matter your religion or culture, the end of the year is filled with traditions. In this episode we looked at a few of our own, talked about how some traditions start, and discussed ways we can honor our peace by examining how the traditions serve us or those around us. A quick note to say THANK YOU to everyone who joined us on this adventure this year! We hope you have a joyful holiday season!! ~Rachel and Megan