Podcast episodes
Season 3
Talkin' plant power with healthnut Haydee!
An intimate conversation with my dear friend, Haydee Shymanski, about health, healing, plants, and community! Her story and mine are so parallel, we thought we'd share them today on socials for you – this woman is a powerhouse! I'm grateful to call her a friend and peer in our company, and I'm excited for you to hear her story! One of the things we love sharing are stories of health, and here's one that we hope inspires! Kids, moms, allergies, independence and more! 💓
Interview with Foodie in Provence - Mind Body Eating Coach Hana Kovacova, in Provence, France!
In this Livestream, Andy interviews Hana Kovacova, "Foodie in Provence," about her work as a Mind Body Eating Coach and educator. Follow Hana on her platforms to get all her knowledge and content - lots of recipes, tips, and courses. FB: https://www.facebook.com/foodieinProvence IG: @foodieinprovence You Tube: @Foodie in Provence LinkedIn (Where we met!): https://www.linkedin.com/in/mindbodyeatingkouc/ Hana's Udemy Courses: https://www.udemy.com/user/hana-kovac/ We also mention Live with Vitality Collective that we're a part of - if you're a coach or looking for a healthy lifestyle influence, follow us on these platforms to get the power of our collective! FB: https://www.facebook.com/livewithvitalitycollective IG: @livewithvitalitycollective LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lwvcoaching
Interview with Andy (Pt. 2): Early life adventures that lead to Andy Kennedy Co.
This is part two of an interview with Andy by office Magician Mary as she unpacks Andy's early life, intuitive gifts, and stories that lead to the Celestine Prophesy and creating her flagship course, Manifesting with Synchronicity, in 2012. PART 1: https://youtu.be/9fk9xJPdI0U If you're interested in joining our members area to get our 21 Days of Affirmations, or or brand new freebie series – 3 "mini" courses that are sneak peaks into Manifesting with Synchronicity, Awakening the Intuitive within, and Growing your Meditation Practice – then visit us at www.andykennedyco.com and sign up!
Interview with Andy (Pt. 1): Mary asks me some deep questions about my past...
In this interview with Andy, office Magician Mary unpacks Andy's early life, intuitive gifts and stories that lead to the Celestine Prophesy and creating her flagship course, Manifesting with Synchronicity, in 2012. This interview is Part 1 of 2, as we just kept talking! LOL. PART 2: https://youtu.be/dMXYH5Pb_0k If you're interested in joining our members area to get our 21 Days of Affirmations, or or brand new freebie series – 3 "mini" courses that are sneak peaks into Manifesting with Synchronicity, Awakening the Intuitive within, and Growing your Meditation Practice – then visit us at www.andykennedyco.com and sign up!
Mercury Retrograde: Do you have control?
In today's discussion, Andy introduces Mary – the magic behind the scenes at Andy Kennedy CO (www.andykennedyco.com) and together they unpack Mary's journey with Andy and then dive into the depths of Mercury Retrograde and blaming all your problems on astrology... are we at the mercy of the stars or do we have control? This IS a choose your own adventure reality! Watch to learn some tips on how your words and mind can take the reins. Special thanks to Lena Franzen who writes the weekly astrology reports for AKCO!