The tale of the visitor who asked Zen master Bankei what miracles he could perform. Aug 6, 1989

Talks by Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee by I & A Publishing

Episode notes

Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee, discusses how we’re all waiting for the most extraordinary teacher. We want only the best. The tale of the visitor who asked Zen master Bankei what miracles he could perform. His answer is lovely Zen. Lola lso, understanding the concept of “don’t know.” It’s very difficult. We all prefer to be clever, which obscures our original mind. If you recognize the original mind, will you reincarnate? Bunka says it won’t matter to you. That is the interest of the ego. Listen to the teacher with no inner commentary. The unconditioned is pure consciousness. Even in our dreams we have a censor that doesn’t allow some material to come up from our unconscious. (Lola has a bad cough through this talk). Aug 6, 1989

bankeiZen Master Bankei