Easter of 1985 - What Zen practitioners can learn from the story of Christ's Resurrection. Apr 7, 1985

Talks by Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee by I & A Publishing

Episode notes

Zen Roshi and ordained Christian minister, Lola McDowell Lee, gives this talk during Easter of 1985. She explores the Resurrection of Christ. You can experience the Resurrection yourself. Your deathless existence is within you. It is the Godseed. The tale of the king who leaves his three sons each a bag of seed and asks them to best preserve them in his absence. The seed must die in order to grow. The tale of a man walking peacefully among the throngs racing through Pompeii during the volcanic eruption. Also, how during our practices we grope inside ourselves. At first what we find may puzzle us, but eventually what we will find is magnificent. Apr 7, 1985

easterthe resurrectionChrist Resurreeas