Laws Of The Universe

Infinite Love Creation by Tyler Garland Gagnon

Episode notes


"When we align with these laws… When we align with the universe… When we align with love… Love aligns with us! The Universe aligns with us! We begin to Flow together."

  1. The Law of One - Separation is the greatest illusion…

  2. The Law of vibration & Energy - The entire universe was created from one source...

  3. The Law of Correspondence - As above so below. As within so without...

  4. Law of Cause & Effect - All actions have a reaction. We reap what we sow...

  5. Law of Resistance- What you resist, persists...

  6. Law of Transmutation - Transmutation in the hands of a conscious creator has the power to change any reality....

  7. Law of Manifestation - Thoughts and actions are manifestations . All you c ... 

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spiritualitycosciousnessaffirmationalignmentmanifestationperceptioncreationsfreedomlaw of attractionlaws of the universe