Mindful Parenting: Cultivating a Deeper Connection with Your Neurodivergent Child

Inclusive Stories: For parents raising nuerodivergent children by Inclusive Stories

Episode notes

Welcome to Inclusive Stories, where we strive to create a more inclusive world, one story at a time. In today's episode, we focus on Mindful Parenting with our guest, Kristin Schmoke. Kristin is an experienced educator, a Neurodivergent parent, and a mindful parenting coach who helps parents cultivate a deeper connection with their Neurodivergent child.

Throughout the episode, Kristin shares her experience of parenting a child on the autism spectrum and provides practical tips and strategies for parents who may be facing challenges in connecting with their Neurodivergent child. She emphasizes the importance of patience, empathy, and self-compassion and encourages parents to focus on their child's strengths rather than their challenges. Kristin's insights are invaluable for any parent who wants to build a stronger, more meaningful relations ... 

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mindful parenting