#60: Why Beauty Therapists Stay Too Long In Their Therapist Role

I’m No Rookie by Ayo Bamgbose

Episode notes

Welcome to “I’m No Rookie,” the podcast where we unlock the potential within, guiding beauty and wellness professionals through the journey of personal and professional growth. In this episode, we dive deep into the heart of why many beauty therapists remain in their roles longer than beneficial, uncovering the fears and uncertainties that bind them to comfort zones and exploring the boundless opportunities awaiting beyond the familiar confines of the spa.

What You’ll Learn:

• The psychological and emotional factors that make beauty therapists hesitant to leave their jobs, even when they feel the urge for change.

• The impact of comfort and fear on career progression in the beauty and wellness industry.

• Real-life insights from therapists who’ve stayed in their positions out of comfort and fear of  ... 

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expertbeauty therapistexpertisegrowthfearcareer developmentbeauty