I Love Labs - Episode 3 - What Is Insulin Resistance and How Does it Affect Health?

I Love Labs - Optimal NOT Normal by Sally Dahl Sykes

Episode notes

🥦💪🥩Maintain health over the holidays! We'll talk about insulin resistance, why it is the root cause of almost every chronic disease of aging, which labs to track with your provider, how the high-carb Standard American Diet (SAD) has made us sick while allowing processed food companies to profit at our expense—and what we can do about it! #KetoMojo #TinyHabits #MyFitnessPal #FoodTracking #lowcarb #insulinresistance #weightloss #diabetes #alzheimers #healthyaging #healthcoaching #heartdisease #inflammation #motivation #functionalmedicine #prevention #Thanksgiving

Empowered Health Consultants - book online with Sally Sykes, Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach: https://sally-sykes.clientsecure.me


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