Museums and Chill

by ICOM - International Council of Museums

Museums and Chill is a one-of-a-kind podcast, where museum practitioners and thinkers from all over the world will discuss their inspiration, strategies, innovations and challenges. Each of the episodes will be in a different language (English, French and Spanish)

Podcast episodes

  • Season 3

  • Le féminisme dans les musées

    Le féminisme dans les musées

    Dans ce nouvel épisode, nous avons le plaisir d'accueillir Eloïse Jolly, l'une des sept membres fondatrices de l'association Musé.e.s, qui se consacre à la sensibilisation aux questions féministes et à la promotion d'initiatives dans le secteur muséal. Mme Jolly détaille les projets actuels de Musé.e.s, en mettant l'accent sur les contributions significatives des femmes dans les musées. Elle évoque également les aspirations futures de l'association Musé.e.s, en soulignant ses efforts continus pour influencer et renforcer le rôle des femmes dans le monde des musées. DISCLAIMER Les points de vue et les opinions exprimés par les invités de notre podcast sont les leurs et ne reflètent pas les opinions ou les points de vue du Conseil international des musées (ICOM) et de ses organes et entités. Le contenu de ce podcast est fourni à des fins d'information et de divertissement uniquement. L'ICOM et ses organes et entités n'approuvent pas les déclarations ou les opinions exprimées par les invités pendant le podcast et n'en assument pas la responsabilité. Les auditeurs sont encouragés à effectuer leurs propres recherches et à demander l'avis d'un professionnel avant de prendre des décisions basées sur les informations discutées dans ce podcast.

  • Museo Q: Where Pride Lives All Year Round

    Museo Q: Where Pride Lives All Year Round

    In honor of Pride Month 2024, we are delighted to feature a conversation with Museum Q, Colombia's groundbreaking museum dedicated to LGBTQI+ history and culture. This episode delves into Museum Q's unique mission of recovering, communicating, and amplifying LGBTQI+ stories within the national narrative through the museum's unconventional approach, which transcends physical walls and utilises both physical and virtual spaces to create exhibitions and foster dialogue. This episode's host Anapaula García Soto is Communications Coordinator at the International Council of Museums. Before joining ICOM, Anapaula worked on different communication projects. She holds a B.A. on Communication and Digital Media from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey and a Masters in Creative Project Management, Culture and Design from the Rennes School of Business and the École européenne supérieure d'art de Bretagne. This Episode's Guest Mario Henao is Founding Member of Museo Q. Disclaimer The views and opinions expressed by our podcast’s guests are their own and do not reflect the opinions or views of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and its bodies and entities. The content provided in this podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only. ICOM and its bodies and entities do not endorse or take responsibility for any statements or opinions expressed by guests during the podcast. Listeners are encouraged to conduct their own research and seek professional advice when making decisions based on the information discussed in this podcast.

  • Derechos culturales indígenas en América Latina

    Derechos culturales indígenas en América Latina

    En esta conversación, damos la bienvenida a Anauene Dias Soares, abogada y experta en obras de arte, CEO de Anauene Art Law - especializada en derechos culturales y miembro del Consejo del Instituto Brasileño de Derechos Culturales (IBDCult). En la actualidad, en Brasil existen 7 regímenes jurídicos de protección del patrimonio cultural, dos de los cuales se refieren a los bienes catalogados, ya sea por el Instituto del Patrimonio Histórico y Artístico Nacional (IPHAN) o por el Instituto Brasileño de Museos (IBRAM), cuando se demuestra su valor artístico e histórico se consideran bienes públicos. Además, sólo existen otras 5 leyes especiales que prohíben que diferentes categorías de patrimonio cultural evadan nuestras fronteras, que son la base jurídica de la Lista Roja Brasileña del Consejo Internacional de Museos (ICOM),lanzada en febrero del año pasado. Invitada en este episodio Anauene Dias Soares es abogada y experta en obras de arte, CEO de Anauene Art Law - especializada en derechos culturales y miembro del Consejo del Instituto Brasileño de Derechos Culturales (IBDCult). Disclaimer Las opiniones y puntos de vista expresados por los invitados de nuestro podcast son suyos y no reflejan las opiniones o puntos de vista del Consejo Internacional de Museos (ICOM) ni de sus órganos y entidades. El contenido de este podcast tiene únicamente fines informativos y de entretenimiento. El ICOM y sus organismos y entidades no respaldan ni asumen responsabilidad alguna por las declaraciones u opiniones expresadas por los invitados durante el podcast. Se recomienda a los oyentes que realicen sus propias investigaciones y busquen asesoramiento profesional a la hora de tomar decisiones basadas en la información tratada en este podcast.

  • International Museum Day Special - Museums for Education and Research

    International Museum Day Special - Museums for Education and Research

    Have you ever thought of museums as powerful tools for education and research? In this Museums and Chill Special we focus on this year's International Museum Day theme: Museums for Education and Research as we learn how museums can be powerful tools for education and research, especially for underserved communities with Heidi McKinnon, the inspiring founder of Curators Without Borders. THIS EPISODE’S GUEST Heidi McKinnon is Founder of Curators Without Borders and Board Member of the ICOM International Committee for Museums and Collections of Ethnography. DISCLAIMER The views and opinions expressed by our podcast’s guests are their own and do not reflect the opinions or views of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and its bodies and entities. The content provided in this podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only. ICOM and its bodies and entities do not endorse or take responsibility for any statements or opinions expressed by guests during the podcast. Listeners are encouraged to conduct their own research and seek professional advice when making decisions based on the information discussed in this podcast.

  • Season 2

  • Reimagining Museums for a Sustainable World

    Reimagining Museums for a Sustainable World

    In this episode of Museums and Chill we dive into the exciting world of Ki Culture, an organization bridging the gap between culture and sustainability. Join the conversation as they explore the role museums can play in fostering a more sustainable future and engaging with their communities in new and meaningful ways. Tune in to learn how museums can become powerful advocates for positive change! DISCLAIMER The views and opinions expressed by our podcast’s guests are their own and do not reflect the opinions or views of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and its bodies and entities. The content provided in this podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only. ICOM and its bodies and entities do not endorse or take responsibility for any statements or opinions expressed by guests during the podcast. Listeners are encouraged to conduct their own research and seek professional advice when making decisions based on the information discussed in this podcast.