50. Engaging Authentically Online with Kathleen Schmidt

Hungry Authors by Ariel Curry & Liz Morrow

Episode notes

Continuing our conversation around publicity, this week Liz & Ariel chat with Kathleen Schmidt, long-time publishing executive and founder of KMSPR, about engaging authentically in online spaces. We talk about connecting with readers on Substack and TikTok, and how to balance sharing your personal life with maintaining your "brand."

To read Kathleen's incredible Substack, visit Publishing Confidential and sign up today.

As the Founder and CEO of Kathleen Schmidt Public Relations, Kathleen is a well-respected voice in book publishing with in-depth experience in all aspects of the industry, including as a publicist, literary agent, acquisitions editor, and ghostwriter.

Her career encompasses 30 years of creating and directing impactful and strategic g ... 

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