7 marathons in all 7 continents | Kate Smith

Human Endurance by Bruna & Fabi

Episode notes

Kate ran 7 marathons in all 7 continents (including Antarctica!) in her twenties, to honour her grandpa, Dick Bass, who was the first person to summit the highest peaks on all seven continents.

We dive into her motivation to accomplish this goal, her memorable race experiences, training regimen, and work-run-balance.

(00:00) Introduction

(01:02) Meet Kate

(02:52) Kate's Marathon Journey Begins

(03:42) Honoring Her Grandfather

(06:43) Mental Strategies and Inspirations

(09:28) The Seven Marathons Challenge

(12:16) The Great Wall of China Marathon

(15:29) The African Adventure Marathon

(17:23) The Antarctic Marathon Experience

(23:25) Experiencing the Antarctic Marathon

(24:44) Training for Extreme Conditions

(25:34) Comparing the Toughest Races

(27:44) Menta ... 

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