Why Do the Wicked Prosper? | Genesis 4:17-24

Hosanna Christian Fellowship by Pastor Nathan Hamre

Episode notes

Why do the wicked prosper?

Cain refuses to obey God when he offers a sacrifice to God from his own works and not from faith. Cain again refuses to obey God when he fails to heed God's warning to rule over his sin and instead kills his brother. What happens when Cain continues to rebel in his banishment from the Lord's presence, even while bearing God's mark of protection?

This week we finish reading Genesis 4 and study through the genealogy of Cain. We'll look at how Cain's rebellion had long-term repercussions on his children's children and beyond as well as answer age-old questions like "Where did Cain get his wife?" and "Why do the wicked seem to prosper?" And right at the very end of Genesis 4, we'll see if there is indeed any hope for a world in rebellion to God.
