The Way of Cain | Genesis 4:1-16

Hosanna Christian Fellowship by Pastor Nathan Hamre

Episode notes

I've done so much for God, why won't He accept it?

The good creation God made has been corrupted by sin, and lest Adam eat from the tree of life and live forever in in his sinful state, God chases the man and woman from their home in paradise. Though hope is soon heard in the cries of a baby boy born to Eve, the mother of all, that hope would be short lived as the sins of the father would soon become the sins of the son.

This week we begin studying in Genesis 4 and the story of Cain and Abel. We'll answer the question of why God didn't accept Cain's offering and learn what it means that God wants obedience over sacrifice. We'll see again God's amazing grace for sinful man and ask ourselves what great evil each of us could be capable of without Jesus Christ in our lives.
