The Fall: The Curse on the Man | Genesis 3:17-24

Hosanna Christian Fellowship by Pastor Nathan Hamre

Episode notes

Why is work so hard?

When God made Adam and placed him in the paradise of the garden, He gave Adam charge over the garden to work it and watch over it. God then made the woman, taken from Adam's side, and charged them to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. That first couple would go on to rebel against God, and when God brought judgment on the woman, He made the process of being fruitful and filling the earth more painfully laborious. Now as God concludes His judgment on the rebellion of Adam and Eve, He'll bring judgment on the man and make his work and care for creation a painful labor.

This week we finish studying Genesis 3 and the fall of man. We'll see God's judgment on Man, and by extension mankind, when He curses the ground and makes work laborious. And as we've seen already in this chapter, we'll see ... 

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