The Father's Plan S3 E1

Redeemed Through His Blood by David T. Durfey and Scott F. Durfey

Episode notes
The scriptures, especially The Book of Mormon, emphasize the plan's importance repeatedly, with "plan of redemption". These teachings highlight the essential role of covenants in establishing a relationship with God and understanding one's responsibility to participate fully in the plan's fulfillment. The need for such a plan is evident in passages like 2 Nephi 9:8-9 and Alma 42:11, emphasizing the justice and mercy inherent in God's plan. By actively participating in and fulfilling this plan, individuals can draw closer to Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, and become part of the covenant relationship with God, akin to becoming part of the family of Israel. This concept draws parallels to the ancient practice of redeeming the oldest relative to rescue the family from slavery, illustrating how the plan is intricately woven with the idea of kinsm ...   ...  Read more