The Role Technology Plays in Fighting Food Waste with Jamie Crummie, Co-founder of Too Good to Go

The Green Hour by Preston Poag Jr.

Episode notes

On this episode of The Green Hour, we sit down with Jamie Crummie to discuss the role technology plays in fighting food waste. Jamie Crummie is the co-founder of Too Good To Go, the world’s largest marketplace for surplus food. The app lets consumers buy unsold food from restaurants and retailers so that it doesn’t go to waste. Too Good To Go is now active in 17 countries. The market-leading app has over 90 million consumers and 150,000 food businesses signed up, who have rescued over 330 million bags of food from going to waste.

For this work, Jamie Crummie was named Sustainability Entrepreneur of the Year at the GB Entrepreneur Awards 2022, a Trailblazing Activist in the 50 Next class of 2021, One Young World’ ... 

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