Ep 69 - Shaping Technologies of National Importance – Part 2: Border Security

The Government Technology Insider Podcast by Government Technology Insider

Episode notes
Connectivity in rural areas is an ongoing issue for border agents who often work in more remote areas. However, with the implementation and expansion of 5G, new innovative technologies using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) can help border agents have the increased connectivity and capabilities they need at ports and standard border crossing locations.The ability to provide real-time data in the hands of border agents to help them make decisions more efficiently is critical, especially with the ongoing expansion of incoming data from sensors. In addition, the rise of 5G and analytics will help transform agent training, as well as enhance cross-agency collaboration.These were the key themes in the second part of Government Technology “5G & Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: Shaping Technologies of National Importance” po ...   ...  Read more