Episode 4: Seeing with Spiritual Eyes (When Things Look Really, Really Bad)

God, Dreams and Really Good Coffee with Kelly Langston by Kelly Langston

Episode notes
In difficult times such as these, we need to see with our spiritual eyes to catch a glimpse of what God is doing behind the scenes of life. What we see in the natural world is but a shadow of the war going on in the heavenly realm. In this episode, we talk about asking God to give us spiritual sight so we can discover our purpose in this time ... and find peace when the world is in a state of chaos. I suspect something is about to change... something big. Yes, you have a role in God's mysterious story, and trust me, you don't want to miss what He is about to do!
Holy SpiritProphecyJesusDreamscharismaChristianityJournalingSpiritual WarfareListening to God. Hearing GodWhat's Going On