A Debilitating Sleep Disorder And What I Did Trying To Overcome The Problems Faced || Ethan

Giants Amongst Us by RR

Episode notes

Real stories, told by real people.

As always it's good to be back. Hope you all are doing well. I'm happy to introduce to another guest. Today, Ethan joins us and he has a story to tell.

In school, everything came pretty easy for Ethan. His teachers considered him gifted. But, not too long into high school, he started noticing a change - depression, feeling sluggish and tired all day, brain fog, problems with sleep. His condition wouldn't get better, and he found himself struggling socially, shying away from people, he felt awkward, overwhelmed with anxiety, which was a startling contrast to how he was as a child.

This led him down a year long journey trying to figure out what it was that was affecting him mentally, physically, emotionally. And despite all his efforts - engaging in hobbies, intermittent fasting, ... 

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disability awarenessovercomingsurgery recoverysleep apneasleeping disordersurgerycycling lifestyle changes