I was broke 2 months ago.

The Fuck You Mentality by Lisa Giles

Episode notes
I dead ass was broke as hell 2 months ago. didn't have enough money to pay my rent, let alone grab groceries.yet I'm "successful"...there is this funny thing called Life; and boy does it love to humble you.I was faced with a decision to either sink or swim.. either stay where I was and continue on the path of going nowhere or take a HUGE risk and hope to the universe that I'd make it. I took the biggest risk of my life - this was a bigger risk than me moving across the country. I have a family now, people relying on me, grow I've been craving, and I needed to make a choice that could either propel me forward or send me back to Delaware.listen to learn more about my choice, my struggles, all of it. I'm human you know? I struggle, I cry, I want to crawl in a hole just as bad as the next person.. but if I forever stayed in that hole, I wouldn't be wher ...   ...  Read more