F0122: EPF Account 3 - Good or Bad?? (With Financial Experts Hann and Sani)

The Futurizts Podcast by Shinji Ong

Episode notes

On 25 April, EPF officially announced Account 3, which is a new Account that will receive 10% of your monthly contributions.

This account will allow members to withdraw the balance any time, and EPF said this was to replace targeted withdrawals.

Old structure:

  • 70% Account 1 (cannot be withdrawn until 55).
  • 30% Account 2 (can be withdrawn early to pay for education, housing loan, and healthcare).

New structure:

  • 75% Account 1.
  • 15% Account 2.
  • 10% Account 3 (can be withdrawn any time).

Along with financial experts Hann and Sani, we discussed the pros and cons of this move, plus tips on how to grow your retirement savings.



(00:02:52) Thoughts on Account 3? Yay or Nay?

(00:11:30) C ... 

 ...  Read more
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