F0119: Investing in 2024 - How next year will be for the markets, 10% Sales Tax & Price Increases.

The Futurizts Podcast by Shinji Ong

Episode notes

We’re back with Certified Financial Planners Hann and Sani. This session, as the title suggests, mainly focuses on investing in 2024. The speakers shared what sort of strategies we as investors could employ to maximize profits and insights on how next year will be for the markets.

We also talked about a more pressing matter: the new 10% sales tax, which will be imposed on Low-Value Goods below RM500 starting January 1, 2024.

  • Will the new 10% sales tax make local goods more competitive?
  • How likely is this new policy to increased prices of online goods?
  • Why are the US Federal Reserve’s decisions crucial for global markets?
  • What is the investing outlook for 2024?
  • How can we maximize profits next year?
  • What assets/industries are likely to perform?

Quick facts:

i) In December,  ... 

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