Immaculate Conception Feast a Mystery of Life, Sermon by Fr. Paul Robinson, SSPX

Sermons of Fr Paul Robinson SSPX by Fr Paul Robinson

Episode notes
  • This feast represents the first stage of God’s great plan to save mankind from death. It is a mystery of life.
  • We know that one of the most horrible scenes that can be imagined in this life is for children to be slaughtered in front of their parents.
  • This is what happens daily before the face of God. He sees everything that happens in this world. In so many cases, what is happening is that souls are dying before Him because of sin.
  • Sin kills the life of God in our souls and it makes us insensible to spiritual things. We become numb in our souls through sin; we become like spiritual zombies.
  • God the Father cannot stand to see His children dying in this world, and then dying eternally in the next. He wants them to live! And so He decides on a plan to give them life.
  • God decided that He would restore the  ... 
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