This podcast exposes the blindspots on pain in society, so that you can hold space for gain...Instead of the natural inclination to avoid it all.
Created by Real Estate Investor, Speaker and Author Ivan Alpha. Disclaimer: This is not advice or statements that will work for everyone, just sharing experiences from one human being to another based entirely on my experience. Your results may vary. Consult licensed professional(s) ... ... Read more
Podcast episodes
Season 2
Reconciling Racism with Daryl Davis
Award-winning Musician, Author, Lecturer, and Activist Daryl Davis shares his journey on making friends with hate group leaders & members. Groups such as the KKK & Nazis gave up their roles because they could not reconcile being friends with this great man, and being a part of said groups.
From Near Death to Maximum Life
Dr Ravi Mandadi and I discuss the delicate topic of him seeing beyond death, to living his maximum life. We navigate his journey of what things to look out for if you fall into a similar thought process and how to break out of it, so you can also go beyond it into living your maximum life.