Launching Upward

Friendly Physics by Gabriela Gallego

Episode notes

An important thing to keep in mind as we discuss upward vertical motion → we are talking about objects launching straight up into the air. Ideally, without wind or disproportionate weight or any other factors, an object launched upward from the ground would move in a straight line. That is the type of motion we are dealing with here.

Two weeks ago we added an element to our motion repertoire: vertical motion.

We started talking about motion in terms of falling - it just seemed easier to start with falling since we are all familiar with gravity

We took a little detour last week to talk more in depth about the kinematic formulas - what each variable means and where they came from.

When an object falls there are a few things to keep in mind -

When an object hits the ground, we say that its final position (Yf) is zero.

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motionphysicsgravityfree fallkinematicslaunchrockets