Does Parent Involvement Affect your Child's Academic Success?

Foundations of Learning by Shali Flint

Episode notes

In today's podcast, we explore the vital topic of parent involvement in the education system. We delve into the historical context, the current state of our schools, studies on parent involvement's benefits, and practical action steps for staying engaged.

  • Questioning the extent of responsibility handed over to the education system.
  • The advent of compulsory schooling aimed to shape moral character, teach government ways, and impart essential skills, funded through taxation.
  • Influences from European research, particularly Prussia, shaped the educational system.
  • New York Times-reported reading and math scores
  • Meta-analysis (2003-2021) found significant links between parental involvement and school success.

Personal Reflections:

  • American culture historically emphasized parent  ... 
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history of educationus education system