Meet Krista Hammond - Space Weather expert.

For the love of weather by Gemma Plumb & Aisling Creevey

Episode notes

Meet Space Weather expert Krista Hammond who has been forecasting with the Met Office for 16 years. Kirsta is an operational Space Weather Meteorologist as well as a senior Account Manager for Space Weather.

As we enter into a solar maximum, Space Weather activity has been hitting the headlines, not only because of the frequency of the spectacular display of the aurora borealis but because there has been a forecast for one of the largest geomagnetic storms to have hit the earth for 20 year. This level of storm is powerful enough to knock out power grids, networks, navigation and more.

The scale of space weather is simple mind blowing. Krista talks about the difference between solar flare, solar radiation storms and coronal mass ejections (CME’s). She explains the remarkable speed that each can travel at and how much warn ... 

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