Podcast episodes
Faith and Fake News, Part Two
Connect with us here: https://faithcovenant.org/contact-us/ Today we continue a miniseries about Faith and Fake News, a book written by local librarian Rachel I. Wightman. It’s a very helpful resources for Christians as we navigate a complex world of misinformation and disinformation, social media, and biased news sources. We’ll be spending a couple of episodes summarizing some of the big findings, but the book offers much more. If you’d like to purchase the book for yourself, you can find it on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Faith-Fake-News-Consuming-Information/dp/0802882455 Questions or comments for the podcast? Please email Kavan at krogness@faithcovenant.org. To watch this episode, visit: https://youtu.be/gfbbgFxXNw8 Faith Covenant Church is located at 12921 Nicollet Ave Burnsville, MN 55337
Faith and Fake News, Part One
Connect with us here: https://faithcovenant.org/contact-us/ Today we begin a miniseries about Faith and Fake News, a book written by local librarian Rachel I. Wightman. It’s a very helpful resources for Christians as we navigate a complex world of misinformation and disinformation, social media, and biased news sources. We’ll be spending a couple of episodes summarizing some of the big findings, but the book offers much more. If you’d like to purchase the book for yourself, you can find it on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Faith-Fake-News-Consuming-Information/dp/0802882455 Questions or comments for the podcast? Please email Kavan at krogness@faithcovenant.org. To watch this episode, visit: https://youtu.be/GjDYNIVaBAM Faith Covenant Church is located at 12921 Nicollet Ave Burnsville, MN 55337
Scripture That Has Changed Us
Today Pastor Brad and Kavan have a conversation about Bible passages that have shaped and changed their lives. During the conversation, we mention Kavan’s personal story, which we covered on a previous episode that can also be found here: https://youtu.be/4jXKzYu4J8M We also want to encourage you, if you haven’t already, to watch or listen to some other personal journeys that we’ve had on the podcast. Kimberly Harrison https://youtu.be/91ByWdC5HjA Roger Baldwin https://youtu.be/rEI4f0FmKJQ Mackenzie Madsen https://youtu.be/OKtz3ZS1hRM Kevin Zanker https://youtu.be/89IE4emcRn0 Questions or comments for the podcast? Please email Kavan at krogness@faithcovenant.org. To watch this episode, visit: https://youtu.be/i_x4EvZewHQ Faith Covenant Church is located at 12921 Nicollet Ave Burnsville, MN 55337
Celebrating Scripture
Connect with us here: https://faithcovenant.org/contact-us/ Today we look at Nehemiah 8 and explore what it means to celebrate Scripture. Questions or comments for the podcast? Please email Kavan at krogness@faithcovenant.org. To watch this episode, visit: https://youtu.be/ja-st0Ig8A4 Faith Covenant Church is located at 12921 Nicollet Ave Burnsville, MN 55337
Connect with us here: https://faithcovenant.org/contact-us/ Today we talk with Davey about the new confirmation program we are rolling out this fall at Faith Covenant Church. If you have questions about confirmation, please email Davey at dneubauer@faithcovenant.org. Questions or comments for the podcast? Please email Kavan at krogness@faithcovenant.org. To watch this episode, visit: https://youtu.be/caF1CZ-7J8U Faith Covenant Church is located at 12921 Nicollet Ave Burnsville, MN 55337