Existential Encounter

by Isaiah Yesha'yahu

Embarking on the journey into the spiritual realm means that doors that were not previously open may become open. Certain doors, once opened, cannot be closed.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Welcome




    We are just getting started. Say hello to the intro!

  • Shadow Figures (Intro)

    Shadow Figures (Intro)

    Here we explore the surface of the sleep paralysis phenomenon and associated shadow figures. If you enjoy the show, find us at https://www.patreon.com/ExistentialEncounter to help support the show! We are just getting started.

  • The Staring Shadow Figure

    The Staring Shadow Figure

    What happens when your nightmares turn into reality? Find out on this second episode of the Shadow Figure series. We at Existential Encounter provide you with real-life stories that will send shivers down your spine. And if you do get the shivers that is the first sign of something ominous to come! Enjoy, this episode will be a journey into the dark with your host Isaiah.

  • Shadow Figure and the Chair

    Shadow Figure and the Chair

    Unnerving, strange, and mysterious. This shadow figure sat in the chair at the foot of the bed with a face that would terrorize the bravest soul. Welcome to another episode of Existential Encounter the Shadow Figure series, where we discuss figures that are too horrifying for the human mind to process. Phantom specters stalk the night, waiting for our most vulnerable moment to strike! A real story from yours truly, Isaiah.

  • The Hovering Shadow Figure

    The Hovering Shadow Figure

    Occasionally, when dealing with spiritual entities, they will not manifest in a way that is truthful but will seek to deceive and destroy. An encounter like this is especially difficult to rid yourself of, as the more deceptive a spirit is, the more likely it is to intrude upon your space and refuse to leave.