Podcast episodes

  • Season 19

  • An Experimental Enviro Show

    An Experimental Enviro Show

    Greetings Earthlings. Remember PETA's efforts to end animal torture at UMass Amherst? Dr. Katherine Roe returns to discuss the "nightmarish test coordinated by University of Massachusetts–Amherst experimenter Agnès Lacreuse" that was pulled after only one day. Here is an Action Link regarding such atrocities. Our guest this week will be speaking about far gentile critters which brings us to our Quote of the Week: "Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty" - Albert Einstein The Enviro Show on WXOJ-LP (103.3 fm) and streaming at www.ValleyFreeRadio.org from Florence, MA every other Tuesday, 6:00 to 7:00pm. Or anytime at: https://rss.com/podcasts/enviroshow/rebroadcast . Also, we are on air at WMCB, (107.9fm) streaming at http://wmcb.net/Listen.html in Greenfield, Saturday 5pm & Sunday 9pm & Monday at 6pm, and at WMNB-LP 107.1fm Wednesdays at 6pm. Also Tune-in at https://tunein.com/radio/Valley-Free-Radio-WXOJ-LP-1033-s50205/.

  • A Climatic Summer Solstice 2024 Enviro Show

    A Climatic Summer Solstice 2024 Enviro Show

    Greetings and Happy Summer Solstice Earthlings. As we mark Litha: Celebrating the Height of Sun’s Power, we will also question the actions of certain parties on Beacon Hill who abuse their power in this time of Climate Crisis. Michael Kellett of Restore the North Woods and Janet Sinclair of Save Mass Forests return to the show to speak truth to power. The Enviro Show Quote of the Week: “Forests are the world’s air-conditioning system – the lungs of the planet – and we are on the verge of switching it off.” - King Charles The Enviro Show on WXOJ-LP (103.3 fm) and streaming at www.ValleyFreeRadio.org from Florence, MA every other Tuesday, 6:00 to 7:00pm. rebroadcast Thursdays at 2pm. in MA. Also, we are on air at WMCB, (107.9fm) streaming at http://wmcb.net/Listen.html in Greenfield, Saturday 5pm & Sunday 9pm & Monday at 6pm, and at WMNB-LP 107.1fm Wednesdays at 6pm. Also Tune-in at https://tunein.com/radio/Valley-Free-Radio-WXOJ-LP-1033-s50205/. > "The best antidote to despair is action!".

  • A Poisonous Enviro Show

    A Poisonous Enviro Show

    Greetings Earthlings. You may recall our previous shows on rodenticide poisoning leading to tragic deaths of key predators. This time Laura Kiesel of Save Arlington Wildlife joins us to discuss a petition to "the Pesticide Board Subcommittee of the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources to immediately suspend the registrations of all anticoagulant rodenticide products and conduct an individual review of their active ingredients". Let's end the slaughter, OK? The Enviro Show Quote of the Week is spot on for this show: “We need, in a special way, to work twice as hard to help people understand that the animals are fellow creatures, that we must protect them and love them as we love ourselves.” — Cesar Chavez The Enviro Show on WXOJ-LP (103.3 fm) and streaming at www.ValleyFreeRadio.org from Florence, MA every other Tuesday, 6:00 to 7:00pm. Or anytime at: https://rss.com/podcasts/enviroshow/rebroadcast . Also, we are on air at WMCB, (107.9fm) streaming at http://wmcb.net/Listen.html in Greenfield, Saturday 5pm & Sunday 9pm & Monday at 6pm, and at WMNB-LP 107.1fm Wednesdays at 6pm. Also Tune-in at https://tunein.com/radio/Valley-Free-Radio-WXOJ-LP-1033-s50205/.

  • A White Mountain National Forest Enviro Show

    A White Mountain National Forest Enviro Show

    Greetings Earthlings. You may recall we recently featured the potential logging threat in the Green Mountain National Forest with our friend Zack Porter of Standing Trees ? Well, Zack is back this time with Standing Trees active member Jerry Curran. We'll be looking at a similar mindless threat to the neighboring White Mountains National Forest in New Hampshire. The U.S. Forest Service (who actually only serve the logging industry) continues business-as-usual with mind-numbing climate crimes across the nation. Our Enviro Show Quote of the Week comes from on of our own in Massachusetts: "We need new and old trees, solar panels and forests, dense housing and accessible green space." - Sen. Ed Markey introducing the recent Trees as a Public Good Earth Day forum. The Enviro Show on WXOJ-LP (103.3 fm) and streaming at www.ValleyFreeRadio.org from Florence, MA every other Tuesday, 6:00 to 7:00pm. Or anytime at: https://rss.com/podcasts/enviroshow/rebroadcast . Also, we are on air at WMCB, (107.9fm) streaming at http://wmcb.net/Listen.html in Greenfield, Saturday 5pm & Sunday 9pm & Monday at 6pm, and at WMNB-LP 107.1fm Wednesdays at 6pm. Also Tune-in at https://tunein.com/radio/Valley-Free-Radio-WXOJ-LP-1033-s50205/.

  • A Smart Solar Enviro Show

    A Smart Solar Enviro Show

    Greetings Earthlings. Spring is upon us and the days are getting longer, more daytime to resist The Machine! Those corporados and their enablers are planning yet more deforestation for corporate solar arrays and associated explosive battery siting here in the Commonwealth and across the nation. The struggle for smarter siting continues. Sharon Weizenbaum of Smart Solar Shutesbury returns to the show joined by Eric S Bachrach of Smart Solar Amherst. Our Enviro Show Quote of the Week is right in line with this week's show: “What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.” - Chris Maser The Enviro Show on WXOJ-LP (103.3 fm) and streaming at www.ValleyFreeRadio.org from Florence, MA every other Tuesday, 6:00 to 7:00pm. rebroadcast Thursdays at 2pm. in MA. Also, we are on air at WMCB, (107.9fm) streaming at http://wmcb.net/Listen.html in Greenfield, Saturday 5pm & Sunday 9pm & Monday at 6pm, and at WMNB-LP 107.1fm Wednesdays at 6pm. Also Tune-in at https://tunein.com/radio/Valley-Free-Radio-WXOJ-LP-1033-s50205/. > "The best antidote to despair is action!".