Businesses, Bosses and Breakthrough careers - KVS Manian

Experts in their Fields - The EITF project by Nandini Venkatraman, Karthik Subramanian and Charu Venkat

Episode notes

Hi everyone, season 2 of the EITF project is here! We are starting off this season with a bang! Our first guest is KVS Manian. He may be a familiar name to a lot of you so he needs no introduction, but I’ll introduce him anyway.

Where do we start? KVS Manian started out with a bachelors degree in engineering. He then got a post graduate degree in financial management, before embarking on an illustrious 30 plus years in the financial services industry in India. He has a wide variety of experience in investment, corporate, consumer and wholesale banking financial and management accounting, operations and control. He is currently the whole time director and member of the management council at Kotak Mahindra Bank.

He has worked at Kotak Mahindra Bank for nearly 28 years now, and has been part of building the company from ground up, to the ... 

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