Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain: Paige Edmonds

Education Rx by Hollye Bronson and Shannon Donnaway

Episode notes

How do you sit in a class and stay focused on a lecture if you just ate a bunch of simple carbs and drank a sugary soda?? The way students eat is directly impacting their ability to engage in academics. But is goes deeper: the way students are eating is directly impacting their mental health, their behavior, AND their long-term health outcomes!It may be hard to swallow the magnitude of how our food is impacting our education system, but we NEED to talk about it! Luckily, we found Paige Edmonds, an amazing functional nutritionist who works with Dr. Mindy Pelz's agency, as well as provides support through her social media, to help make things simple. No, you don't need to empty the pantry and start from scratch. But...you could start with some quick and easy 1st steps to create change.If you have a child who is dealing with ADHD, depression, acne,  ... 

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dr mindy pelzpaige edmondsfood and mental healthfood and adhdfood and academic performanceeducational changeschool lunchesfood and classroom behavior