Is stress worsening your autoimmune disease symptoms?

Eat Gluten Free with Me by Lauren Murawski

Episode notes

When I was first got diagnosed with celiac disease, I was only 18. The things that stressed me out at the time were pretty minimal. Now at the age of 24, life has begun. I run a solo business, I have bills to pay, I've been in toxic relationships, I am going through mid-20's transitional "finding myself" period. Overall, I have issues that I stress about on the daily. I slowly noticed that as stressors started to increase, so did the regularity of flare-up's.

In today's episode, I am going to be sharing how stress has affected by autoimmune disease health and the things I do to help minimize my stress levels.

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Thank you so much!

XoXo Lauren

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self helpantinflammatory dietautoimmune disease storyautoimmune disease journeyhealing journey