What in the world is dyscalculia?

by Dr. Honora Wall, Ed.D.

Dyscalculia is the math learning disorder most people have never heard of. Which is hard to believe, because approximately 5 million K-12 students have dyscalculia-- just in the USA! Find out what this learning disorder means to you as a teacher, a parent, and as a student. Presented by EduCalc Learning, https://www.educalclearning.com/ and hosted by Dr. Honora Wall.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • Elementary Tips for Dyscalculia

    Elementary Tips for Dyscalculia

    Dr. Wall and Katie Walker discuss the elementary education challenges for people with dyscalculia.

  • Upper Level Math and Dyscalculia

    Upper Level Math and Dyscalculia

    Dr. Wall discusses the true trials and tribulations of upper level math for people with the math learning disorder, dyscalculia. Visit www.educalclearning.com or www.thedtri.org for more information.

  • Two Journeys to Dyscalculia Expert

    Two Journeys to Dyscalculia Expert

    Dr. Wall and Katie Walker share their journeys to becoming dyscalculia experts. Don't miss this one!

  • Trends in Evaluations

    Trends in Evaluations

    Dr. Wall discusses some unsettling trends in evaluations and the importance of using trained, qualified, appropriate professionals for different types of evaluations. Learn more at www.educalclearning.com or www.thedtri.org.

  • Difficult Questions

    Difficult Questions

    Students with dyscalculia (and other types of neurodivergence) ask the most interesting-- and difficult-- questions! Hear how Dr. Wall stumbled to answer a student's question and what teachers can do in this situation. Learn more and become a Certified Dyscalculia Specialist at www.educalclearning.com