The Read Act and the Lessons Beyond the Lesson

The Reading Instruction Show by Dr. Andy Johnson

Episode notes

Recently, the Minnesota State Legislature passed the Read Act, sponsored by Democratic representative Heather Edelson. It’s a law based on the fad of the day; the shiny new thing called the “science of reading”. Ironically, this law is based on misconceptions and un-understandings related to both science and reading. This law states that I and other literacy professors in Minnesota must follow, with fidelity, the mandates put forth by state lawmakers. These are lawmakers who have never taught a kid to read, who have never read a research article related to reading instruction, and whose knowledge about reading instruction is reliant on the information given to them by radio journalists and podcasters (present company excepted).

As part of the Read Act, the Minnesota Department of Education is now forcing me, a literacy professor at Min ... 

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readingreading instructionandy johnsonreading disabilitypeer reviewed researchpeer reviewed reading researchliteracybalanced approach to teaching readingreading researchcomprehensive literacy programbalanced literacyLETRS