Healing Inspirations for the Body & Mind

by Dorothy Wellington

In 2022 overall pharmaceutical expenditures in the United States spent a total of $633.5 billion (National Library of Medicine) and still can't heal all people! God does not want you to stay sick, suffering or in chronic pain. The medical industry is not at fault, they are doing their best within their education and certifications, but there are so many areas that God can use for your specific healing. Never Give Up!

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • Your Body will not Heal Overnight?

    Your Body will not Heal Overnight?

    Sickness? "Your Body will not Heal Overnight?" Immediate miracles can appear, but be encouraged if yours did not happen! God gave you a miraculous Body! It will respond to Factors of wellness and health to produce Healing! Listen to learn 7 Factors of Health and Wellness to produce Healing for your body! God Heals. Order Book, "Be Healed While Waiting To Be Healed!" God will help you to see many areas in our humanity that need to be addressed for healing and the miraculous! https://lulu.com/spotlight/wellingtoninstitute 1. Support Dorothy Wellington and The Just God Academy with a donation today in any amount. Every dollar you give is received with love and thanksgiving! Cash App: $DorothyWellington or Zelle Website Donate Button: https://dorothywellingtonministries.com 2. Subscribe on Website to receive my weekend Just God Academy Newsletter: https://dorothywellingtonministries.com

  • Faith is Greater Than Fear

    Faith is Greater Than Fear

    Circumstances in your life may appear to have weaken you with Fear. I am hear to remind you that Faith is Greater than Fear because Faith is from God! God equipped you to be strong and powerful like Him! Listen to my video and you will rise above those opposing circumstances to peace, love and Joy everyday no matter your circumstances! "I Promote God in the Lives of People!" Subscribe to: Healing Inspirations for the Body and Mind Podcast Dorothy Wellington YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5cKsGVbQsdhg0I4r-mQwfQ On the Website to receive a weekend copy of "The Just God Academy Newsletter" https://dorothywellingtonministries.com Click to view my Library of Books on Life & Healing! https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/wellingtoninstitute?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3ZqmaaapylsvO0BkagJxjcJ4JO8vkhOoP4nnpkZRIYFiptTbkjeZiVZIY_aem_AdZDKIgiOd-u_4GD9adRmMizvrFvy3tcg9WixsjZiq1NtA-ecSrQqmiZvgjea9VTokN5ksQJ3n89n_6ELRL_Xkm9 ***Ways You can Support this teaching ministry - Become an Angel of Light with your Donation Today: I sincerely appreciate your help, Thank You! Cash App: $DorothyWellington or Zelle Donate Button on Website: https://dorothywellingtonministries.com

  • How to Have Great Faith Beyond Positive Thinking To The Belief of Receipt

    How to Have Great Faith Beyond Positive Thinking To The Belief of Receipt

    Don't Give Up your desires and wishes when it seems as though they are never going to happen! There is so much more to learn in life and God will never stop providing you with wisdom, knowledge and understanding in manifesting your wants. When you spend time in prayer with God, in fellowship with Him, He speaks and guides you in all that you need to do. In return you will receive inspired instructions and actions! Today's lesson is a result to some of your questions in why you have not received what you have asked of God or believed that you had faith to receive and nothing has happened. I'm so happy you are here! God Heals. From the teaching, I recommend two books to further educate yourself in exercising God's Laws and Principles in receiving answers to prayers and life difficult situations! Order Books, "Be Healed While Waiting To Be Healed" and "Words Are Your Life" https://www.lulu.com/shop/dorothy-wellington/be-healed-while-waiting-to-be-healed/paperback/product-dw2m78.html?q=Dorothy+Wellington+Be+Healed+While+Waiting+To+Be+Healed&page=1&pageSize=4 https://www.lulu.com/shop/rev-dorothy-wellington/words-are-your-life/paperback/product-1kmm4yr5.html?q=Words+Are+Your+Life+by+Dorothy+Wellington&page=1&pageSize=4 This teaching ministry is supported by people like you who have been blessed and would like to see God's Good News continue blessing the lives of many others! With your Donation you become an "Angel of Light" Use Donate Button on Website or Cash App: $DorothyWellington https://dorothywellingtonministries.com Thank You! Subscribe to the Podcast! Share this Podcast with Your Family & Friends! Hide

  • How NOT to Think About the Past and Move Forward

    How NOT to Think About the Past and Move Forward

    Listen as I share seven common truths in how to overcome hurtful past events, big or small, even a change in health! God always has a way for you to get through difficult times! "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is true, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." (Philippians 4:8) God Heals. Website: https://dorothywellingtonministries.com Order Book, "Be Healed While Waiting To Be Healed" https://www.lulu.com/shop/dorothy-wellington/be-healed-while-waiting-to-be-healed/paperback/product-dw2m78.html?q=Dorothy+Wellington+Be+Healed+While+Waiting+To+Be+Healed&page=1&pageSize=4 This teaching ministry is supported by people like you who have been blessed and would like to see God's Good News continue blessing the lives of many others! With your Donation you become an "Angel of Light" Use Donate Button on Website or Cash App: $DorothyWellington https://dorothywellingtonministries.com Thank You! Subscribe to the Podcast! Share this Podcast with Your Family & Friends!

  • How to Start a Miracle Minutes Before Falling Asleep

    How to Start a Miracle Minutes Before Falling Asleep

    When you are sick, feeling miserable and in pain, sleep is also a big issue! This teaching will help you sleep, feel better and for your healing to continue progressing! "Feel Better Than You Did Yesterday!" With God, I'm going to explain how you can start a Miracle in the last 5 minutes before falling asleep. You will receive 6 Notes to consider that will manifest the Miracle you need and desire! Get started tonight!! God Heals. Website: https://dorothywellingtonministries.com Order Book, "Be Healed While Waiting To Be Healed" https://www.lulu.com/shop/dorothy-wellington/be-healed-while-waiting-to-be-healed/paperback/product-dw2m78.html?q=Dorothy+Wellington+Be+Healed+While+Waiting+To+Be+Healed&page=1&pageSize=4 This teaching ministry is supported by people like you who have been blessed and would like to see God's Good News continue blessing the lives of many others! With your Donation you become an "Angel of Light" Use Donate Button on Website or Cash App: $DorothyWellington https://dorothywellingtonministries.com Thank You! Subscribe to the Podcast! Share this Podcast with Your Family & Friends!