Parent's Perspective of a Fragile Noggin

Discussions on Concussions by Rachel Coombs Renwick

Episode notes

In this episode, our special guests are my parents, Steve & Cindy! We discuss my history of concussions, specifically #5 & #6*, and how they had to constantly learn & adapt to understand what I was going through and support me. During the second half of the episode, we give advice to other parents and those with fragile noggins on how communication & transparency are key. All three of us cried and laughed throughout the making of this episode as we reflected on the impact of my concussions in this candid discussion of what we all went through together throughout my brain injuries.

*Trigger Warning: We discuss the car accident my mom & I were in which caused concussion #6

concussionbrain injurybrain injury recoverybrain injury awarenessbrain injury supportparental perspectiveparenting advice