Deserts of Plenty

by Ralph MacLeod

Welcome to the "Deserts of Plenty" podcast, where we explore the idea that despite living in a world overflowing with calories we are malnourished. Despite living in the information age we lack knowledge and, despite having dating opportunities at our fingertips, many of us are single and lonely.

We will also investigate how to live better lives by paying attention to our physical, mental, and emotional well being. The ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Freedom of Routines

    Freedom of Routines

    "Having a routine frees us from the burden of making choices". That quote by Brianna Wiest really resonates with me so i discuss it here.

  • The Inherent Flaw in Power Structures

    The Inherent Flaw in Power Structures

    The TDSB, in my opinion, is a flawed institution while the people within it are, by and large, incredibly competent, talented, and caring. What's up with that?

  • Wait! I'm Doing What Now?

    Wait! I'm Doing What Now?

    Twenty years ago a family member prompted me to try something that, at the time, I thought was useless and dumb. Now, I do that thing regularly. How did that happen?

  • The McDonald's Coffee Incident

    The McDonald's Coffee Incident

    In 1994, Stella Liebeck ordered a coffee from a McDonald's drive through. What happened next was a master class in public relations.

  • The Mind as a Sense Organ

    The Mind as a Sense Organ

    The Buddha believed that the mind was a sense organ, similar to the ears or eyes. What the mind sensed was not sounds not images but thought bubbling up from what we would call our subconscious.