Deconstructing Jesus: History With A Heretic

by Bradley the Heretic Oklahoma City

Bradley Havenar (Bradley the Heretic) presents "Deconstructing Jesus: History With A Heretic," a thought-provoking journey exploring the love-centered teachings of Jesus in a realistic context. Merging scholarly insights with relatable narratives, this platform offers a fresh perspective on biblical texts, dispelling misconceptions and deepening understanding. Join us for engaging discussions where history, spirituality, and ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Series Intro


    Series Intro


    Welcome to Deconstructing Jesus: History With A Heretic!

  • Setting the Stage for Jesus

    Setting the Stage for Jesus

    Dive into 1st-century Judea to explore the world of Jesus of Nazareth. From the bustling streets of Jerusalem to the tranquil Sea of Galilee, uncover the historical and cultural backdrop that shaped his revolutionary teachings. Join us as we set the stage for a journey through ancient traditions, Roman occupation, and the enduring message of hope and justice that challenges empires and inspires generations.

  • Unveiling the Man

    Unveiling the Man

    Episode Title: Unveiling the Man Episode Description: Welcome to another episode of Deconstructing Jesus: History With A Heretic. I'm your host, Bradley Havenar. In this episode, titled "Unveiling the Man," we dive deep into the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Move beyond the divine myths to explore Jesus as a historical figure—a man whose revolutionary ideas challenged the societal and religious norms of his time. What You'll Discover in This Episode: The socio-political context of 1st-century Judea and how it shaped Jesus's teachings. Insights into the everyday life and struggles of the people Jesus interacted with. A detailed look at the radical nature of Jesus's parables and teachings, particularly their implications for our modern world. The role and significance of Jesus’s diverse group of followers and how their stories contribute to the narrative of early Christianity. Reflections on how the enduring legacy of Jesus's message continues to influence our world across centuries. In This Episode: Delve into historical contexts with references from scholars and texts like Josephus's Antiquities of the Jews. Explore the implications of Jesus's parables, including the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son, in challenging contemporary social values. Understand the early Christian communities' formation, struggles, and triumphs in embodying Jesus's teachings. Reflect on how Jesus's message of love, justice, and compassion can be applied to today’s global challenges. Join Us: Be part of our community and share how these insights resonate with you. Email me at or engage through our website at Next Episode Preview: Stay tuned for our next episode, "The Kingdom of God is Within You," where we'll explore the spiritual and transformative aspects of Jesus's teachings and their relevance to personal growth and community welfare. Resources Mentioned: Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography by John Dominic Crossan The Historical Jesus by Gerd Theissen and Annette Merz The Misunderstood Jew by Amy-Jill Levine Let's continue to embrace the spirit of inquiry and empathy as we journey through the complex narrative of Jesus of Nazareth. Until next time, keep deconstructing and questioning, and as always, be good and be good to each other.

  • The Kingdom of God is Within You

    The Kingdom of God is Within You

    Welcome to Deconstructing Jesus: History With A Heretic, where we delve into the realms of historical inquiry and theological revelation. In this episode, "The Kingdom of God is Within You," we chart a course through diverse interpretations that have shaped this transformative concept over millennia. We begin by exploring the historical roots within the Judeo-Christian tradition, followed by a dive into the theological underpinnings across different Christian denominations. From historical context to mystical traditions, cultural interpretations, and philosophical implications, our journey is rich and multifaceted. We explore the mystical depths with insights from Christian history, describing the Kingdom as an internal experience marked by profound union with the divine presence. We also examine non-traditional theologies like liberation, feminist, and queer theologies, offering a reimagined Kingdom marked by justice, equality, and radical inclusivity. Our interfaith dialogue highlights the Kingdom of God through different lenses, drawing parallels with Islamic Jannah, Buddhist Nirvana, and Hindu Moksha, underscoring the shared ethical and spiritual goals across various faith traditions. We also ponder philosophical implications, particularly within existentialism and ethics, challenging individuals and communities to live out the radical teachings of Jesus in contemporary contexts. We close with actionable steps for applying Kingdom principles to contemporary issues, advocating for justice, compassion, and solidarity in our interconnected world. We also engage with the Jewishness of Jesus, understanding how His cultural backdrop shaped His mission and teachings. Join us as we seek wisdom and perhaps a glimpse of the divine within us all. Let this episode be not just informative but transformative, inviting you to engage deeply and personally. For more information, discussions, or to delve deeper into the themes explored, connect with us at or visit our blog at Until next time, may your pursuit of truth be relentless, and may wisdom guide your path.