Day of Destiny with Dr. Michelle Corral

by Charisma Podcast Network

Personal, powerful, prophetic and relevant biblical teaching for your life. Expect your life to be dramatically directed into the highest dimension of destiny that God has ordained for you. Acquire the unique hebrew and hidden meanings of scripture within historical context. Join Dr. Michelle Corral who will incorporate 42 years of ministry experience from the charismatic and Pentecostal expressions of faith.

Podcast episodes

  • Unstoppable Faith

    Unstoppable Faith

    Did you know that lacking faith can derail your destiny? On today's podcast, this teaching will help break the cycle of going around the same mountain year after year.

  • Dates with Destiny

    Dates with Destiny

    In todays episode, Dr. Corral will teach how to claim your shift in season, Uncover the power of the prophetic word amidst trials and the unwavering faith in God's promises. Join us on a journey of spiritual depth and transformation through the revelation of biblical truth and the enduring impact of the blood of Jesus.

  • Jesus Heals: Deep Deliverance and Healing Service

    Jesus Heals: Deep Deliverance and Healing Service

    Jesus said to his disciples at the great commission in Mark 16 verse 17. "These signs shall follow them that believe in my name. they shall cast out devils, They shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them, and they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover". The Lord Jesus that promised that in His name we would have dominion over all demonic power is working today as he did 2000 years ago because he is alive. Experience the power of the Holy Spirit, revealing who Jesus is as the baptizer in the Holy Spirit and the one who comes to heal all who are oppressed of the devil. Join us for "Jesus Heals, deep deliverance and healing service" . You will not want to miss this mountain moving event with the word of God and the demonstration of his power. Why remain under oppressive spirits any longer?

  • Lead us Not Into Temptation

    Lead us Not Into Temptation

    "In today's teaching, 'Lead Us Not Into Temptation,' Dr. Corral helps us understand what Jesus meant when He said, 'Simon, Satan hath desired you to sift you like wheat.' Does the Word teach us about stages of temptation? How does the believer arm themselves to guard against lusts and temptation? Find out in today's teaching."

  • Deliverance From The Deception of End Times

    Deliverance From The Deception of End Times

    Where is God 's Jeremiah ? False Prophets and End Times. How do false prophets operate ? Experience Deliverance From The Deception of End Times.