Murphy's Apple Juice - The Story So Far...

Data B.R.O.S. Inc. by Django Bohren, Jeff Figley, Brian Garside

Episode notes

In this very special episode of the Data B.R.O.S. we dive into the Murphy's Apple Juice drama, what exactly is going on at Murphy's Apple juice? When you look back on all 10 episodes thus far, it is an interesting story of an organization that may be experiencing growing pains.

We'll be back with a regular episode next week, but in the meantime please enjoy this special episode of Data B.R.O.S.. Inc.

EDIT: As this issue was being given a final polish, Brian got an unexpected text message from a 209 area code (209 is Modesto California...the home base of Murphy's), it just said "Play this coward.", and had the final clip you'll hear at the end of this episode.


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