Todd Kashdan, PhD, on Curiosity and Well-Being

Daniel T. Bourne by Daniel Bourne

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After receiving a Ph.D. in clinical psychology (2004), Todd founded the Well-Being Lab at George Mason University which has produced over 225 peer-reviewed journal articles on well-being and resilience, psychological flexibility, meaning and purpose in life, curiosity, and managing social anxiety. He is among the top 1% most cited scientists in the world.

Awarded the 2013 Distinguished Early Career Researcher Award by the American Psychological Association, Todd Kashdan is among the world’s top experts on the psychology of well-being, psychological strengths, mental agility ... 

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clinical psychologypsychologyregent universitypsychotherapypodcastpsychologicalpsychologistclinical psychologistinterviewtherapistmental healthmental illnesscuriosity