رجعت بالزمن ولعبت مع بابا Time Traveled to Play with Baby Dad

Dadtime Stories by Alaa Kabalan

Episode notes

طلبت ميرا من بابا يرجع زغير حتى تروح عالمدرسة معه وتلعب معه. بالحقيقة ما بيقدر يعمل هيك شي. مستحيل. بس بالخيال، قدر يرجّعها لميرا بالزمن حتى تلتقي بالبابا والماما وتلعب معهم. تابعوا القصّة وخبرونا شو رأيكم عبر موقع https://dadtimestories.me/

Mira asked her dad to be a child again, so that she goes to school and play with him. In reality, he couldn't do that. Impossible. But with their imagination, she managed to go back in time, and meet her younger dad and mom and play with them.

Find out more about dadtime stories on our website dadtimestories.me Follow us on instagram and share with us your thoughts and stories to inspire fu ... 

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