Christian Parenting Basics - Dad and Lad Podcast

by Scripture Union Canada

The Dad and Lad Podcast is brought to you by Scripture Union Canada. Our Mission is to connect Canadians with Jesus and His Story. For more information go to:

Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • Truth - Building a Christian Home

    Truth - Building a Christian Home

    Like a house on a rock so is a home built on God's Truth. In this episode we look at the principles of healthy Bible engagement within the home, and provide practical suggestions to help you and your family!

  • Submission - Building a Christian Home

    Submission - Building a Christian Home

    In this episode we explore the biblical call for families to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. What does this mean theologically? Practically? And what would this look like if families truly did this? Listen and find out!

  • Family on Mission (Part 2) - Building a Christian Home

    Family on Mission (Part 2) - Building a Christian Home

    In this part 2 episode we will look at the practical ways you and your household can start thinking and acting as a family on mission!

  • Family on Mission - Building a Christian Home

    Family on Mission - Building a Christian Home

    What does it mean for a family to be on mission and how does this perspective bring life into a home? In this episode we will look theologically at God's heart for families to be salt and light in their neighborhoods!

  • Grace - Building a Christian Home

    Grace - Building a Christian Home

    At the heart of the Christian faith is the doctrine of grace - God's gift of mercy given to humanity through faith in Jesus. If Christian families are to build a home on this truth, they are to both receive and give grace freely to all.