#89- The First Month of being a Christian Blogger (Analytics and Business Strategy Included)

#CreateYourEarthLife Christian Podcast - Bible Studies, Testimonies and Faith Based Entrepreneurship by Jenasa Prudhomme

Episode notes

ANNOUNCEMENT! Today is the first day of Season 2 for the podcast! We had Season 0 which was when I was in the New Age. We had Season 1 which was when I became a Newborn Christian. Now, we have Season 2, which is where I will still be sharing Christian information to help people in their daily lives, but I will also be adding in Christian entrepreneur tips, Bible Study once a week, AND A LOT MORE PRAYER!

With that being said.. Today we will be talking about the first month of being a Christian blogger. If you are considering becoming a blogger then this podcast episode is for you! It may sound deceiving... and it kind of is... BUT, I am praying to give you HOPE! The first few months are A LOT of work. Time, money, and energy are put into making a blog, and the results are not immediate. HERE IS THE RAW TRUTH OF HOW MY BLOG DID THE FIRST MONT ... 

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blogchristianentrepreneurbusinesschristian bloggerbloggerchristian blogfirst month bloggingchristian entrepreneurbusiness strategy