What is COVENANTS Specialized Pastoral Care/Christian Counseling Ministry?

by Dr. Michael David Clay

A unique combination of CHRISTIAN COUNSELING and Pastoral Care. Each Episode is filled with both God's WORD, as well contemporary, evidenced-based counseling help. "What is COVENANTS Specialized Pastoral Care/Christian Counseling Ministry?" addresses the need for practical and Bible-directed advice in managing life. CONTACT: Michael David Clay, D. Min, MA, covenants.llc1@yahoo.com.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Jesus is TRUTH.

    Jesus is TRUTH.

    As TRUTH comes, it WORD/Living WORD would so first in Jesus, the Christ, then Holy Spirit anointing. The WORD of God brings us to both, if we are just willing to receive. Contact Us; Covenants.llc1@yahoo.com; CovenantsOnLine.com; on FB and YouTube @Covenants; or call 304.523.9220.

  • From the Beginning . . . .

    From the Beginning . . . .

    As it was from the beginning. Both beginnings. God has been with us ALL along, we just don't realize or appreciate it, especially when we live in FEAR. God did not give us a spirit of FEAR, but virtuous and glorious Holy Spirit FAITH and courage in the Perfect Love of God express Jesus Christ. Contact Us; Covenants.LLC1@yahoo.com; CovenantsOnLine.com; on FB and YouTube @Covenants; or call 304,528.9220.

  • It's ALWAYS in the Leaven!

    It's ALWAYS in the Leaven!

    Humanism manifests many differing WAYS, but ALL return to the ultimate and preeminent HUMAN passion for GREED! Who's PUTTING themselves between YOU and Jesus? Contact Us: Covenants.llc1@yahoo.com; CovenantsOnLine.com; on F and YouTube @Covenants; or call 304.528.9220.

  • The One and Only Jesus Christ and You're NOT Him!

    The One and Only Jesus Christ and You're NOT Him!

    Aren't YOU glad. There's ONLY one Jesus Christ and God made certain it remain that WAY! ALL else is bound to fail if only because one would choose to BELIEVE otherwise. Contact Us; Covenants.llc1@yahoo.com; CovenantsOnLine.com; on FB and YouTube @Covenants; or call 304.528.9220.

  • Entering In through Faith!

    Entering In through Faith!

    Belief in Jesus is the only way to FAITH, and FAITH to SAVING. Any other COURSE is bound to FAILURE! Never of MATERIAL construct, but of God in the Holy Spirit. Contact Us: Covenants.llc1@yahoo.com; CovenantsOnLine.com; on FB and YouTube @Covenants; or call 304.528.9220.